Celebrate special moments with a personalised magic mug.

Printing a personalised gift online for a friend or colleague may be difficult. You want to get them the ‘perfect’ gift, so you spend hours looking, thinking about what they would really like. Magic Mug is a perfect gift which you can customise with some fun memories, messages or a combination of both.

The colour changing magic mug can be used for personal or professional gifting on a variety of occasions.


  • For birthdays, anniversaries, farewells, and get-togethers surprise your loved ones with photos of your favorite memories together on a magic mug.
  • For weddings, give your guests a souvenir or gift to keep on their breakfast table and relive your special day.
  • For housewarming, gift your family or friends colour changing mugs to keep on their dining table.
  • Personalised magic mugs make a great return gift for your family and friends on occasions like weddings, farewells, housewarming parties, etc.


  • Appreciate your employees or colleagues for a job well done with a mug they can display at their desk.
  • Print a thoughtful message on a magic cup and show your gratitude to your boss or seniors.
  • Gift your customers and clients a personalised mug with your brand or logo so they can be reminded of your work all year long.
  • Use magic mugs as a part of your corporate gifting kit to give on special occasions like Diwali or New Year.
  • Give your newly-joined employees personalised mugs as a part of their joining kit.
  • Give away magic mugs as a promotional product at trade shows, events, fairs, and festivals with your company logo to boost brand recognition among the visitors.

Online Design Tips

a. Types of mug printing

  • Single-side print: Let your logo be the only thing that shines and stands out.
  • Wraparound print: Go creative with a large space for everything that you want to say.

b. Uploading your own design or photos?

Printable Area: The maximum printable area is 21.5 cm x 8 cm. Be sure to keep all text and photos within the safety margin and nothing is overlapping or too close to the margin.

Image Quality: A warning symbol will be displayed if your uploaded photo does not match the recommended resolution. We recommend a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to avoid having photos pixelated or blurred.

Text Size: Text size is legible and colour stands out against the background. Make sure, the message or information on the mug is accurate and spelled correctly.

Vistaprint India customizes all its products in facilities located within India. Some of our raw materials, intermediate components, and consumables used in the manufacturing of the final product could be from one or more countries. As we follow Global Sourcing, one product is likely to have a different country of origin depending on the batch sold.

Country of Origin: China

Vistaprint offers Colour Changing Mugs design templates in assorted styles.